N.W. Washington D.C
The Murch Elementary School project involved a retro-fit, major addition of the existing building and a complete redesign of the surrounding site. The heavily invested and involvement of the staff, students (and their parents) and the surrounding community, proved to be an inspiration when approaching this project. However, the biggest challenge for the Landscape Architect was not only balancing all parties varying ideas and needs but balancing the demands and requirements due to a third of the site being owned by the National Park Service. This challenge quickly provided an opportunity to incorporate additional educational elements unique to park land by celebrating the natural and cultural heritage of the site, while seamlessly integrating the two adjoining properties. The program included a variety of recreational activities, methods of circulation and significant L.I.D. components.
As the Project Manager, I oversaw aspects of this design process including:
- Collaborating internally and with the design team, architects & engineers, to create the most functional outdoor areas.
- Communicating with DC Public Schools, Dept. of Gen. Services, NPS and other public agencies involved in various aspects of this project.
- Attending & participating in meetings, both public and private, and discussing project goals, objectives and schedules.
This project was acquired by and worked on with Jordan Honeyman Landscape Architecture. 3D Renderings and Architectural Design completed by: R. McGhee and Associates, Hord Coplan Macht
Falls Church, VA
This residence was a complete rebuild by a local well-known architect. From the start of this project, the client was clear that they wanted to make this large, suburban site a wildlife habitat and edible farm for the client. As project manager, it was my job to develop this concept into a permit set and ultimately a build-able design while retaining the sustainable design aspects requested by the client. Existing site features to be included were; a portion of the pond (footprint was reduced by a 1/3) and many beautiful & healthy specimen trees. Elements to be included that I designed were; the water feature, the new pond edge, bottom & overflow. In addition to designing and detailing most of the elements, I led correspondence with and directed contractors, Civil Engineers, the Architect and communicated continually with both the clients and principals.
This project is certified as a Sustainable Site (by GBCI), Wildlife Habitat (by National Wildlife Fed.) and a Monarch Butterfly Way Station (by Monarch Watch.org). It has most recently been awarded with an ASLA Merit Award.
This Project was acquired by and worked on with Jordan Honeyman Landscape Architecture
NE, Washington D.C.
Working with the District Dept. of Parks & Rec. & an Architecture firm, I assisted in conducting analysis and providing 2 designs for this heavily used park in Northeast D.C. The extensive program included various park amenities, but the most critical were the ADA pathways (site possessed an average slope of 8%), new parking lot & a new gymnasium with a extensive (urban farm) green roof.
This Project was acquired by and worked on with Jordan Honeyman Landscape Architecture.
NE, Washington D.C.
2017 Winner of Best Ultra Urban BMP, Chesapeake Storm Water Network (2nd Place). 2014 Winner of Best Ocean Friendly Garden, In a public setting (1st Place).
I played a pivotal role designing, facilitating and permitting the construction of two bio-retention systems in an ultra- urban setting for the District Department of the Environment in Constitution Square. As a retro-fit and demonstration project, the NoMa BID LID project not only was unique in its ability to collect/ infiltrate runoff or divert overflow surges to the District CSO, but it also serves as an example of modern storm-water technology,. Working with a civil engineer from Ecosolutions LLC, I assisted DDOE in developing LID standards and monitoring storm-water systems. By working closely with the various municipal agencies, utility companies and stakeholders, we were able to provide a highly functional LID system and passive recreational amenity that blends well with it’s surroundings and has had an extremely positive response from the public.
This Project was acquired by and worked on with Dave Whitney, PE - Principal of EcoSolutions LLC.
NW, Washington D.C.
2011 Winner of the Surfrider Foundation - National Competition for Best Ocean Friendly Garden (First Place)
This project proved to me the power of teamwork and the potential in city pride and volunteering. This innovative demonstration rain-garden, two blocks from the Washington Nationals baseball stadium in Washington D.C., was my first project after returning to the area. The Surfrider Foundation (a non-profit ocean & water quality advocacy organization) received a grant through the REI company and worked to make this project an innovative and educational success by raising awareness for the protection for the Chesapeake Bay watershed. Acting as the Lead Designer, Landscape Architect & Project Manager, I did everything from assisting with the grant to managing communications & acquiring assistance from large Landscape Contractors to acquiring the necessary permits and finally directing 50+ volunteers to install this project
I earned a Bachelor of Landscape Architecture from the University of Maryland, College Park in 2003. I chose this program & curriculum for its intensive focus on design from an urban and community planning background. My experience there sparked my thorough understanding, appreciation for and importance of starting a large scale project with adequate analysis that will transfer into a relevant and strong concept and design. During this time I received two awards for my designs. Continuing education experience includes;
- I completed the Petaluma Leadership Program (2008)
- I have Green Associate certification from LEED (2014)
Bethesda MD
This Montessori School is located in a former church built in the early twentieth century. My job was to integrate existing elements into the new design and address the ongoing stormwater issues the school had been experiencing. Existing wood structures were reused for the playground structure & rear deck and stormwater run-off was integrated into a play element by providing a runnel between the rain-barrel and the rain-garden. A donation of a vertical vegetable garden was made after contacting the manufacturer. In the end, all aesthetic elements were functional, sustainable, and at the appropriate scale.
This Project was installed by Bryan Simmons and his team from Greenroom Construction.
Here I have provided a few projects that I designed and/or built that were either small in scope or short in development. These projects stand out to me from the enjoyment I received in doing them and my pride in the final product. Small projects or those with a short period of development can at times be some of the more challenging and the most rewarding opportunities often involving a limited budget, time, or resources. These examples show everything from a sculpture I built and a natural swimming pool to site planning and an urban green-roof farm.
Some of these Projects were acquired by and worked on with Jordan Honeyman Landscape Architecture, Eco Solutions and Lucas & Lucas Landscape Architecture.
I began my college experience majoring in art, specifically drawing and watercolor painting. So every chance I get to develop a concept by hand, I take it. As useful as computer aided drafting is, I still believe creativity flows best from mind to drawing utensil.
Some of these projects were acquired by and worked on with EcoSolutions, Resource Design, CSW St2 Eng. Group & Jordan Honeyman Landscape Architecture
As a child I lived in Bangladesh, Indonesia, USA, and eventually graduating high school in Cairo, Egypt. Of course moving every four years as a child has its challenges but the experiences I gained from my time in other countries surrounded by very different cultures and languages has given me an incredibly unique perspective on life and design. These experiences are a part of the openness and inspiration to which I approach my work. I am an artist at heart and as an adult I have continued to follow my passions including creative, wellness and/or athletic interests and further exploration of different places and cultures around the world. I live in Asheville, North Carolina now, with my beautiful family and don’t have any plans to leave here…..ever.
I've always enjoyed being a part of the process in developing a companies brand, identity or marketing strategy. Similar to design, I consider the logo to be a conceptual reflection of a companies mission and goals. I've been involved in the success for a variety of companies. Whether it was developing a logo and font or marketing material and a companies graphic standards.